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Showing posts from February, 2017

how to make slideshow with html css

How to make slideshow html css Click here to get the Code in this very easy tutorial, we are going to make a very gorgeous slideshow with HTML CSS only so let’s coding :) first bring the images you want to make it slide it the minimum is five images u should choose images as the same size or around it let’s get started first, write a basic HTML code add div id or class not matter and call it whatever u want I will call it azooze insert figure tag inside the div Now let’s insert some images i will add 5 images Congrats, we have finish from HTML let’s make the css then :) first we open style tag inside head Now just add like this inside style Now let's call our div if u choose class put . before the name if u like me id just put # and the name of the div ok now i will add the codes and u explore it with u self fisrst note: after animation put

How to mapping an image in HTML

How to mapping image How to mapping an image mapping an image with amazingly HTML للغة العربية اضغط هنا Hover on items inside the image to see the magick Get the code Today we going to learn how to mapping an image it is very easy tutorial have fun :) first tool 1- usemap 2- map name 3- area tag Amd u need to find some coords this is the tag dont worry its ok i am going to explain the code First inserting the image u want ok Now we just want to make a small change on our source Add this words to your img source usemap="" relax it is very simple Now give the name for your little map and don't forget to type( # ) before the name right we named our map Now we need to create the map we just put this tag to create your map and in the end, put the name u have typed in this time we not need ( # ) Tag the last tag will b