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how to make slideshow with html css

How to make slideshow html css

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in this very easy tutorial, we are going to make a very gorgeous slideshow with HTML CSS only
so let’s coding :)
first bring the images you want to make it slide it

the minimum is five images
u should choose images as the same size or around it
let’s get started
first, write a basic HTML code

add div id or class not matter and call it whatever u want I will call it azooze

insert figure tag inside the div

Now let’s insert some images i will add 5 images

Congrats, we have finish from HTML let’s make the css then :)
first we open style tag inside head

Now just add like this inside style

Now let's call our div if u choose class put . before the name if u like me id just put # and the name of the div

ok now i will add the codes and u explore it with u self
note: after animation put the keyframes u will find it bellow and the number 20 is the seconds u can change it to any number u like
second code

and the last one
this is just copy and paste
note: after keyframe choice any name u want and add after animation in the up