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Showing posts from May, 2017

how to make navigation bar in html

How to make a gorgeous NavBar How to make Anav Bar Home category Images videos music Contact Click Here to Get the Code someone called navbar and some says a drop down whatever all this is talking about navigation bar in this tutorial, we going to teaching u How to make a great navbar with simple codes so if you are ready to let’s get it First we need to make ul list we can make it in body tag Just open and close it like the image below Now we going to add li tag inside ul the last thing we going to add anchor tag Now add # inside anchor tag and call it as Home Home You gona get like this Now copy the same code three time paste the code and rename it to category ,contact Home category contact congratulation you have created your first ul list now I want when I click on the category it give me some items images , videos , music let's imagine the category is the fa

HTML background image

hello world :) click here to get the code hi folks in this very easy tutorial, we going to learn how to insert, put, set, image as background in HTML so if you ready let’s go first we bring the image we need to put it as background then we just paste the link for the image in body tag like this it is very easy and done :) i hope u all love this tutorial and thx how to insert icon beside the title

javascript lesson (2) warning message

3ZOOZE TUTORIALS How to make warning message with Javascript Get the Code hi world how are u today we going to the second lesson with javascript after this lesson, you will be able to do a warning message let’s start ^_^ everything in the world has job and every person has his own work in javascript also she has her own job and to make deal with javascript to do u work (job) u have to tell her the function u need from her so for this we give the function and we give it a name and give it some signs any name not matter .... Now i want to tell javascript i want to make alert message(Warning) and i want to pop it up here i choice alert we can choose a lot of functions we need it but in this lesson, I will choice alert note: after alert write the message u want And done the last thing is put our function name with these signs and congrats u have created a first warning message javascript lesson