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javascript lesson (2) warning message


How to make warning message with Javascript

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hi world how are u today we going to the second lesson with javascript
after this lesson, you will be able to do a warning message
let’s start ^_^
everything in the world has job and every person has his own work
in javascript also she has her own job
and to make deal with javascript to do u work (job) u have to tell her the function u need from her
so for this we give the function and we give it a name and give it some signs any name not matter ....

Now i want to tell javascript i want to make alert message(Warning) and i want to pop it up
here i choice alert we can choose a lot of functions we need it but in this lesson, I will choice alert

note: after alert write the message u want
And done
the last thing is put our function name with these signs and congrats u have created a first warning message
javascript lesson (3) variables