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How to insert audio videos in html

How to embed audio videos in html


How to insert audio videos to html

Get The Code

in this very easy tutorial we going to learn how to insert put embed audio and videos into html page so if u ready lets get it
first we will begin with tags ichoice audio u can use video is it same

now let's put the code

first we insert the big source or we can call it father source and the second is son source :)
Now let's select the type of our song

first we put the audio and then: mpeg mpeg meaning mp3 :)
ok now put the link of u music and congrats :)

congratulation you have put it your audio successfully
but it is not work :(
ok to make it run just choose between these options
controls or autoplay.... if u want it work with some buttons u will use (controls) But if you want when you get to the page choice (autoplay)

if u want when u get to the page (direct)

that is all
for the videos is same but instead of audio make it video
and instead of audio/mpeg make it video/mp4 and that is it
note: we can repeat your audio video with this tag

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