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How to make navbar in html part 2

How to Make a NavBar part2

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this tutorial is competing for the previous tutorial
Now we going to style the navbar to make look good
First going up to head tag and make style tag inside it don't forget to close the tag

Now inside style tag write ul tag and give it some margine and padding.

Now let's get some change and start to style your navbar
1- will make a marvelous background and give it a some color i will choice orange u can use any color u like
2- will give a some size to our navbar this need width tag and i will choice 170px
3- also for size we will use height to give it some height
4- line-height is good choice to make our text same as navbar size
5- we want to make the text in the center of page so we write this tag text-alighn
6- Here we make our font float to left so this good too our navbar
7-list-style here we remove all . from our navbar
9-font-size here to change the size for u navbar text this is not important tag but it is good for make good navbar
and Now our navbar should be like this :)

good job Now i want to hide image , videos , music , .

Now i want when i click on category is show me the items images ,videos etc...

if you want to give some height light when you hover on the navbar just write this and change the color to any color u want

Now the last thing is style ancor tag

And thank u very much waiting for me in another toutorial :)

How to mapping an image