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learn javascript first tutorial


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hello and welcome to the first tutorial with javascript
in this tutorial we gonna learn how to write with javascript
so if you ready let’s start
to be able to use javascript you have to learn some of html ...u can also learn it without html but you will facing some difficulty
let’s start
we will add this tag into body tag

we have a lots of scripts on the internet we have around 15 languages uses scripts
and to tell your browser we certainly use javascript we should select the type

and now we going to write text/javascript meaning we write our javascript by our hands :)

Now the last thing we need to choose the language to talk with browser

congrats u have wrote your first script but without any text
our lesson is still not finished
let's have some text in your script
imagine you are going to work in hotel and your boss is tells you ,you have to wear uniform
because this kind of respect for the place you want to work on it
same story with javascript if you want to work with javascript you have to respect the way you write the text place

That's all
wait for me in another tutorial :)thx for Now

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