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how to create social media share buttons

How to make social Media icons

here you go guys
Today in this very simple tutorial we are going to make very nice social icons
it is very easy just follow this little steps and everything will be ok
first, we bring the icons we need to make it your own buttons
I will choose these icons it looks very gorgeous

guys u can choose any size for u icons but i prefer it is around 70 to 100 and it is up to u
ok the next step we are want to make a div and also inside this div we will set id you can choose class if you want all it is works

ok i have chosen my id and call it as face u can call your div id any name you want
Now we have finished from our first step with HTML ok we will go to the head and start with some of css if you're ready let’s go

Now put the id name tow times as u see in the picture
the first meaning normal the second when you hover or touch the picture it will turn to the any value you want
ok we will choice opacity value and u can change the number