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How to hosting website for free

Hi and welcome to this tuotirial Today we are going to make A very easy way to host any website u want
So if intrsted to this let's go First visit the link bellow

Click on the image to go into the host website
Now go and create u account by click into sign up for free Here jus fill by u details nothing serious

After finshing this steps U need to going to u mail and chick the Verify message
As u see

Open it and click on verify link

Cpngrats :)

Noe congrats u have Hosted for free Let's try to upload some files First sighn in if u not And now click on file mangermanger

Then click upload

Delete this one and make index file

Now create a file and give it this name index.html
This file will be u first file Then u can write anything u like And u can upload u favorite music and video too everything u want
U can create files in the same website or u can upload it from u computer