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Showing posts from April, 2017

how to create social media share buttons

How to make social Media icons here you go guys Today in this very simple tutorial we are going to make very nice social icons it is very easy just follow this little steps and everything will be ok first, we bring the icons we need to make it your own buttons I will choose these icons it looks very gorgeous guys u can choose any size for u icons but i prefer it is around 70 to 100 and it is up to u ok the next step we are want to make a div and also inside this div we will set id you can choose class if you want all it is works ok i have chosen my id and call it as face u can call your div id any name you want Now we have finished from our first step with HTML ok we will go to the head and start with some of css if you're ready let’s go Now put the id name tow times as u see in the picture the first meaning normal the second when you hover or touc

How to insert image in HTML

How to insert image into HTML pages How to insert Image into Html pages Get Code Hi guys Today we going to learn very easy tutorial for ever ................ first, we need to bring our image we would to insert it First we need link for image look below to see how to bring the link :) we can bring from our computer or online let’s try with our computer Drop the image you want into browser Now copy the link this is was very easy way to get image from computer Now let’s try online image go to u browser and choice the image u want to insert Now Right click on the image and choice copy image address ok these were very simple ways to get link for an image on Internet Now let’s put the code source into page And congrats :) u have inserted u First image successfully warning : u can put title Tag to give the image name For example if i hovering on this image it will give me Dog name And u ca

learn javascript first tutorial

3ZOOZE TUTORIALS click to get code hello and welcome to the first tutorial with javascript in this tutorial we gonna learn how to write with javascript so if you ready let’s start to be able to use javascript you have to learn some of html ...u can also learn it without html but you will facing some difficulty let’s start we will add this tag into body tag we have a lots of scripts on the internet we have around 15 languages uses scripts and to tell your browser we certainly use javascript we should select the type and now we going to write text/javascript meaning we write our javascript by our hands :) Now the last thing we need to choose the language to talk with browser congrats u have wrote your first script but without any text our lesson is still not finished let's have some text in your script imagine you are going to work in hotel and your boss is tells you ,you have to wear uniform because this kind o

java script lesson (3) variables

variables variables hi everybody and welcome to the third part for javascript tutorial in this tutorial, we going to learn variables it is very easy lesson let’s get started Get the CODE how many colors did you see in the picture? it is four right ? hmm ok let's give some variables for our colors yellow green red blue to create a variable we just need var so go to u text editor and write var Now let’s give a name for our variable i am gonna to call it yellow and give it number 1 u can give any name and number u want now continue and create more var with the same colors in the picture and give it any number you want Now i want to collect all these variables together to make this we going to create another variable and you can call it any name u want i will call it father after created a father variable now let’s collect all variables and see the result Now your variables are ready

The best coding app for phone html css java php..

In this tutorial we are going to download the best coding app ever for phone First download the app From google play Click on image to download the app :) Let's write some code New file Choice The favorite language u want Now after finish u code click save Save as an named as u want Congratulation :) and thx to reading this see u in another toutial and sorry if my explanation was little wrost cuase i wrote this topic by my phone my computer in another town see u soon

How to hosting website for free

Hi and welcome to this tuotirial Today we are going to make A very easy way to host any website u want So if intrsted to this let's go First visit the link bellow Click on the image to go into the host website Now go and create u account by click into sign up for free Here jus fill by u details nothing serious After finshing this steps U need to going to u mail and chick the Verify message As u see Open it and click on verify link Cpngrats :) Noe congrats u have Hosted for free Let's try to upload some files First sighn in if u not And now click on file mangermanger Then click upload Delete this one and make index file Now create a file and give it this name index.html This file will be u first file Then u can write anything u like And u can upload u favorite music and video too everything u want U can create files in the same website or u can upload it from u computer